The state of the verification process of a sign-in or sign-up attempt.
Name | Type | Description |
attempts | number | null | The number of attempts related to the verification. |
error | ClerkAPIError | null | The last error the verification attempt ran into. |
expireAt | Date | null | The time the verification will expire at. |
externalVerificationRedirectURL | URL | null | The redirect URL for an external verification. |
nonce | string | null | The nonce pertaining to the verification. |
status | 'unverified' | 'verified' | 'transferable' | 'failed' | 'expired' | null | The state of the verification. |
strategy | string | null | The strategy pertaining to the parent sign-up or sign-in attempt. |
function verifiedFromTheSameClient(): boolean;
A check to see if the verification was verified from the same client as the parent Sign In or Sign Up attempt. IE: The same browser session.
Last updated on October 5, 2023