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EmailAddress Verification

These are all methods on the EmailAddress class that allow you to verify a user's email address.


function prepareVerification(params: PrepareEmailAddressVerificationParams): Promise<EmailAddress>;

Kick off the verification process for this email address. An email message with a one-time code or a magic-link will be sent to the email address box.


strategy'email_link' | 'email_code'The verification strategy.
Possible strategy values are:
  • email_link: User will receive an email magic link via email.
  • email_code: User will receive a one-time authentication code via email.
redirectUrlstring | undefinedThe magic link target URL. Users will be redirected here once they click the magic link from their email. This param only applies if strategy is email_link.


function attemptVerification(params: AttemptEmailAddressVerificationParams): Promise<EmailAddress>;

Attempts to verify this email address, passing the one-time code that was sent as an email message. The code will be sent when calling the EmailAddress.prepareVerification() method.


codestringThe one-time code that was sent to the user's email address when EmailAddress.prepareVerification() was called with strategy set to email_code.

Last updated on October 5, 2023

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