Testing is an important part of every application. Clerk has built some helpers to make testing your application with Clerk easier, with more on the way. End-to-end (E2E) tests should be possible in any framework. However, each framework may require a slightly different setup. If you're having trouble getting testing to work properly, send us a message and we'll be able to help.
Clerk's APIs do have Rate limits per IP address, you should write your e2e tests in a way that does not sign in on each test, and instead, you should sign in once for all, or most, of your tests
Testing with one time passcodes
To avoid sending an email or SMS message with a one time passcode (OTP) during testing, you can use a faux email address or phone number that has a fixed code. Read the complete documentation here.
Testing Frameworks
We've written some tutorials using popular JS testing frameworks. More coming soon.
Last updated on October 2, 2023